Ethics Investigation of Mineral Wells City Manager Over Social Media Posts Requested
In Texas, Mineral Wells City Manager Jason Weeks is the subject of an ethics complaint filed by the American Association of Municipal Executives (AAME) on behalf of one of its members.
Weeks authored social media posts criticizing the city manager named as the sole finalist to replace him in his former community of Navasota.
Weeks is a member of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) and the Texas City Management Association. He is subject to their “Code of Ethics” which prohibits negative attacks against another manager.
The AAME sent a letter to the ICMA requesting that Weeks receive a public censure and be stripped of his credentialed manager designation.
Weeks Denigrates Fellow Manager
Last week, Jason Weeks posted negative comments in the Pecan Lakes Estates Neighbors group about the city manager tapped to replace him by the Navasota city council.
This week, the Navasota city council voted to enter into contract negotiations with Theo Melancon, the city manager currently serving Dickinson, Texas.
Weeks Denigrates Recruitment Firm & Former Council
Melancon, the city council, and the recruitment firm hired to conduct the search were disparaged by Weeks in the posts.
Tenet 3 Violation – Professional Respect
Under his organization’s Code of Ethics, Weeks is prohibited from attacking a fellow manager.
The text of Tenet 3 reads as follows:
Demonstrate by word and action the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all public, professional, and personal relationships in order that the member may merit the trust and respect of the elected and appointed officials, employees, and the public.
Guidance for Tenet 3 states:
Professional Respect. Members seeking a position should show professional respect for persons formerly holding the position, successors holding the position, or for others who might be applying for the same position. Professional respect does not preclude honest differences of opinion; it does preclude attacking a person’s motives or integrity.
The formal request by the AAME for an ethics investigation into Weeks’ conduct can be read here.
Note: Joe Turner is the CEO and founder of the AAME.