Here are a list of books written by city managers and other public sector executives. Please consider supporting our colleagues by purchasing a book, and leaving a rating/review on their Amazon page.


Death of the Public Servant by Daniel Rosemond

Greedy Bastards by Sheryl Sculley

The Mayor Married Who? by Tim Casey

Strangers & Angels by Gabe Reaume

City on the Line by Andrew Kleine

City Management: Keys to Success by Orville Powell

City Management Snapshots: On the Run by Ben Leiter

How To Manage A City: A Practitioner’s Perspective by Ronald L. Olson

On Becoming a City Manager: A Chronicle of Intrigue and Deception by Carl Stephani & Marilyn Stephani

The Leaders Toolbox: Applied Concepts of Leadership by Ted Rogers (recently retired city manager)

The Municipal Financial Crisis by Mark Moses

Without Fear of Favor: Odyssey of a City Manager by Leroy F. Harlow


When the Dam Breaks by John P. Thompson

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