NO CONSEQUENCES: ICMA Chief of Staff Contributes to Democrat PACs and Candidates
The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) regularly touts its “Code of Ethics” arguing that it is the “bedrock” of the profession. Some might argue that the ICMA has a somewhat haughty demeanor as the organization often gives off the vibe that it is the most ethical professional association in existence.
The suggestion is that if you are not a member of the organization you are not as ethical as their members.
Jason Grant, the ICMA’s Director of Advocacy, penned a column this week titled “In Defense of the ICMA Code of Ethics.” He writes:
“We understand that there may be individuals who choose not to join ICMA or affiliate state associations because they do not wish to adhere to the Code of Ethics. And yet, that is the greatest distinction between ICMA members and nonmembers in the profession. Without it, there is nothing separating ICMA members from those who seek the office of city/county manager simply to advance personal or political interests.”
In defense of the icma code of ethics – jason grant
The disingenuous suggestion that public sector executives do not join the ICMA because they do not want to adhere to the Code of Ethics illustrates this arrogance. The reality is that many city and county managers do not join because they do not believe they are getting any value out of their expensive membership. And others detest the organization’s insistance on pushing DEI and other leftist ideologies even though it is supposed to be non-partisan.
Tenet 7
The organization gives a lot of lip service to the notion that it is a nonpartisan operation and cites Tenet 7 which prohibits engagement in partisan political activity.
“For the past 100 years, adherence to this Code of Ethics has been the bedrock of ICMA membership. To forsake the Code of Ethics and the diligent review of alleged violations of the Code of Ethics would simply erode the very foundation upon which the role of a nonpartisan professional administrator is predicated.”
In defense of the icma code of ethics – jason grant
However, time and time again we see that there are troubling double standards applied to individuals.
Numerous sources have told me about a Michigan city manager who contributed to Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s campaign. This manager also took the stage at one of her campaign rallies and endorsed her, while admitting that he was violating the rules of the organization. This was reportedly broadcast over one of the local TV news stations in Detroit.
This individual was never punished.
Meanwhile, Michigan city manager James Freed was publicly censured over an Instagram post directed at Governor Whitmer.
After her administration falsely accused Freed and the City of Port Huron of failing to follow COVID safety protocols and leveling the maximum fine possible, he fought back and won. In the process, he revealed how her administration had burned documents related to the case (and potentially other small businesses) thereby depriving them of their due process rights.
He defended his community and rightfully castigated the governor. Yet, he was publicly censured for it by the ICMA – the first time that a manager had ever been publicly censured for a social media post.
I am sure it had nothing to do with the fact that he called out the partisan political activity of Martha Perego on Twitter. The so-called “ethics guru” who enforces Tenet 7 and the ethics code was given “counseling.” Freed would be subjected to three bogus ethics investigations.
Meanwhile, ICMA staff have contributed to Democrat candidates and PACS, openly endorsed Democrat candidates, and campaigned on their behalf. And I am not trying to be partisan. I have yet to find an ICMA staffer that supported Republicans. Perhaps, diversity only goes so far at the ICMA.
But it gets even worse, the second most powerful man in the organization has regularly contributed money to Democrat candidates and PACs.
Ray Baray – ICMA Chief of Staff
Raymond “Ray” Baray has been a member of the ICMA since 2009 and currently serves as the chief of staff for ICMA CEO Marc Ott. Combined with the fact that he is the second highest paid employee according to the most recent Form 990 filing, it suggests he is the second highest ranking employee in the organization.
VIOLATION: Tenet 7 – Political Donations
According to documents posted online by the Federal Elections Commission, Baray made two $100.00 campaign contributions in 2020 to Joe Biden campaign. I have attached screenshot for your reference.
- August 15, 2020 – $100.00
- October 4, 2020 – $100.00
According to documents posted online by the Texas Ethics Commission it appears that Baray made approximately 10 additional contributions to Democratic PACs or candidates from 2007 thru 2021. This includes:
- Northwest Democrats of Bexar County PAC
- State Senator Jose Menedez (Democrat)
Baray’s Linkedin profile indicates he worked as a public information officer for USAA from July 1998-2002. It states that he started working for the City of Austin in 2010.
It is my belief this is prima facie evidence that Tenet 7 of the ICMA Code of Ethics was violated.
Given his status within the organization and how frequently ICMA leadership states the Code of Ethics are of paramount importance to its mission statement, it is my belief that an investigation of these political contributions by Mr. Baray warranted a public censure. It also warranted a public statement by the organization to show accountability and demonstrate that talk about the Code of Ethics wasn’t just “lip service.”
But time and time again we see a “Rules for thee, not for me” philosophy at the ICMA.
It is simply illogical and unbelievable to suggest that the second highest ranking member of the organization who has been a member since 2009 simply did not know this was a violation. This is an egregious and flagrant act that compromises the reputation of the organization.
Frankly, it is insulting to the thousands of manager-members who believe in the mission of the ICMA and take the Code of Ethics seriously.
In his piece, Grant wrote that “we must defend our right to hold ourselves accountable as ICMA members.”
How about spending more time on actually holding ICMA members accountable instead defending the right to hold them accountable?
When Freed tried to hold Perego accountable he was targeted and retaliated against.
When Pamela Antil and Bill Fraser called Freed a “douche” and talked about wanting to “punch him in the face” in that text exchange the leadership buried its head in the sand and said nothing.
When Ray Baray was busted donating to political candidates and campaigns it was crickets.